About Us.

William and Julia Dobson are passionate about growing quality food for their family and community.

“We are Regenerative Farmers who use our farming practices to add life and nutrition to the soil-plant-animal cycle, creating more nutrient dense food for optimum human health.” Julia Dobson

Our mission

  • Bless our community with nutrient dense food
  • Have a positive impact on the agricultural industry
  • Improve the land by restoring its natural systems
  • Be a natural steward of land and animals

Never-ending learning is important to us. This means we are continuously learning about regenerating this amazing creation we are in and how we can support life through natural nutrition in the soil-plant-animal cycles. This ultimately leads to food being a way for regeneration in our own health.

We apply holistic grazing management strategies learnt from Grazing Naturally which really supports the regeneration of the landscape.

Our chickens are free to range on pasture giving them opportunity to roam and eat bugs and plants. We shift them along regularly so they are always on fresh ground.

Our sheep are well adapted to a pasture raised environment. They are grazed on diverse forage and have access to mineral supplements when they need it. We do not use any chemical drenches but choose to look to natural alternatives to manage their health.

Julia enjoys doing stock work by horseback and finds it great to combine natural horsemanship with low stress stock handling.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:1-3

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